How is this different than talking to my best friend or family?
A mental health professional can help you approach your situation in a new way– teach you new skills, gain different perspectives, listen to you without judgment or expectations, and help you listen to yourself. Furthermore, counseling is completely confidential. You won’t have to worry about others “knowing your business.”
How long are sessions?
An initial session is 45-60 minutes for individuals. A couples’ initial session is 60-75 minutes. Additional sessions are 45-50 minutes.
Will I get reimbursed by my insurance company?
I am currently In-Network for Blue Cross/Blue Shield insurance. All other insurances are Out Of Network.
Every insurance plan is different. I can give you a Superbill which will have your diagnostic and procedural codes on it for you to submit. You can check with your insurance company to see what they cover. When you call the Customer Service number for participants listed on your card you will want to ask about Benefits for Outpatient Mental Health or Substance Abuse Counseling. You will want to find out your coverage for Out of Network Providers, and the process for submitting claims. Some clients are reimbursed all or a portion of their counseling expenses based on their individual insurance plan.
How often will we meet?
Together we’ll decide the frequency of your visits. Most of my clients meet once a week or every other week.
What if I need to cancel an appointment? Will I still pay?
A 72 hour notice is required to avoid a cancellation fee of $100.
I want to get the most out of therapy. What can I do to help?
Counseling is just one part of getting better. There are other options to help address the issues that brought you into therapy. These include medications, natural herbs and supplements, regular exercise, and actions as simple as completing assigned homework, meditation and reading books in between session. Employing several of these strategies together is the most effecient way to make changes. Our work together is designed to unpack the problems you are experiencing, and help you explore and then implament change options. Your active participation and dedication will be crucial to your success.
How long will it take?
This is, in large part, up to you. How much change do you want to make? How much effort are you willing to put in, both in session and working between sessions? Unfortunately, it is not a clearcut timeline. Everyone’s circumstances are unique to them, and the length of time counseling can take to allow you to accomplish your goals depends on your desire for personal development, your commitment, and the factors that are driving you to seek counseling in the first place.
How do I reach you in an emergency?
Well, if it is truly an emergency, you should go to your local Emergency Room for a Mental Health Evaluation or call 911. If you want to leave me a message I will get back to you within a few days.
What is the best way to reach you?
Email is always best. Phone messages are usually returned within 1-3 business days. Email is often returned the same day.